Motherhood…. WHAT. A. RIDE!! Amirite, Mamas? As a full-time “stay-at-home” Mama, my motherhood journey has been one for the books! I am so proud to be a boy mom (x’s 2) and I’m quite proud of the Mom I am to my little guys (even if I do replay my days over-and-over in my head before bed - trying to figure out what I could’ve, should’ve, and would’ve - done better … I know i’m not alone on that one)! Being a Mom is hands down the most rewarding thing in this world but my Lord is it HARD. I hope this space that we’ve created for YOU becomes your safe zone in your motherhood journey where YOU find YOUR community that allows YOU to find all the love, laughter, synergy, and lets be honest, a little MUCH NEEDED (virtual) get-a-way after your day has been put-a-way.
Welcome to Mothern! I hear you, I see you, and I’m with you every step of the way! I’m so honored to be on this journey with you! You’re doing great, Mama!